Thanks for your interest. You have just entered Morose or Rosy?, my personal blog. After having lived more than 35 years on this earth, I already know by now that I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I can be quite blunt and abrasive when I write stuff on the internet.
For this reason, let me share some caveats first: I am essentially a liberal, though I am sure I can’t be classified as far-left (I still eat meat, and even if I am pro-choice, I’m not sure if there’s any circumstance where I myself would go to an abortion clinic, theoretically speaking. But I know I can’t speak for the cash-strapped female population).
Like Dr. Jordan Peterson, I am against punitively legislating the use of pronouns for addressing transgender people, as what was done in Canada, but I myself would, without hesitation, use the pronouns if directly asked by the person to do so (or I would ask if the trans person would like me to do it, whichever comes first). The reason for this is, I think that if I were trans, I would appreciate it more if people used my pronouns out of their own free will and not just because the government mandated it. So I just want to highlight that there’s a difference between having personal views about something, and actually agreeing to having them legislated. For example, you might not agree with same-sex marriage, in principle, but you might agree that LGBT couples should have access to the same government benefits that are given to straight married couples.
I consider myself to be a spiritual person, but I have had exceptionally negative experiences with organized religion in general, so expect some statements that run along that grain, and just don’t take them personally.
Photograph taken by my friend, Patrick Kasingsing, during our visit to the National Museum of the Philippines in 2016.