Health is, Indeed, Wealth

One of the best decisions Mervin and I did this year was to ramp it up even more with regular physical activity- jogging, swimming, squat exercises, strength training, and more recently, even sprinting, which we never even thought we could do. Only one rest day per week! Whenever we feel lazy on a regular day, we still do a squats variations exercise on Youtube that makes you do 60-80 squats.

Combined with eating less rice and more nutrient-dense foods, we've never slept or felt better. I appreciate how clear both my head and lungs feel, and how positive my outlook is as a result of the amount of exercise I'm doing.

What brought this about? In recent years, I had been pondering on how modern life, unfortunately, leads a lot of humans to live sedentary lives. I thought it should be obvious to us that our biological makeup is one that's meant for hunting and gathering, but, as we know, a lot of important stuff tends to get lost amidst all our daily distractions.

Our legs are meant to be used to run daily, in fact. This is really unfortunate, because our body is designed like most machines: if you don't use it, you lose it.

As I enter the year 2025, I’m even more determined to have the best body I can possibly have, so that I can have a strong foundation for my senior years. Hopefully, Mervin and I will not need a caregiver in our old age- that’s the goal!


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The Authentic Voice